Meet Sally.

A headshot of Sally, standing near the beach in a yellow nike top

Sally McRae is an American professional ultra-mountain runner, author, podcast host, coach, and motivational speaker.

She is well known for her mental fortitude, grueling accomplishments in the endurance world; and storytelling. 

Sally’s latest book, Choose Strong: The Choice That Changes Everything and film documentaries, RACING TAHOE and EVERY STEP FORWARD and podcast: Choose Strong Podcast have inspired people all over the world.

Want to have Sally join you at your event? Sally is available for select speaking engagements worldwide.

Send us an email, and let’s chat!

Why Yellow Runner?

Inspired by the words and yellow gifts Sally’s mom gave her weeks before passing away, Sally created the name Yellowrunner in her remembrance. Yellowrunner is an encouragement to choose strength and keep going no matter the circumstance. Read the whole story in her book: CHOOSE STRONG.

A photo of a handwritten inspirational quote by Sally, saying "If you can understand your endless value, then failing becomes easier. Because whether you fail or succeed, your value never changes."
